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awesome-remix Awesome

A curated list of awesome Remix 💿 packages and resources.



  • remix-auth - Simple Authentication for Remix
  • remix-utils - A set of utility functions and types to use with Remix.run
  • remix-i18next - The easiest way to translate your Remix apps
  • remix-seo - A package for easily managing SEO meta and link tags in Remix.
  • remix-params-helper - Helpers that make it simple to use Zod with URLSearchParams, FormData, and Remix params object
  • remix-tailwind - Use TailwindCSS with Remix without an extra build step
  • remix-validated-form - A ValidatedForm component and helpers for easy client and server side form validation.
  • remix-themes - An abstraction for themes in your Remix app.
  • remix-routes - Typesafe routing for your Remix apps.
  • remix-middleware - An express-like middleware system for remix loaders and actions
  • remix-crash - Get better insight on why your Remix app crashed during development 💥
  • remix-pwa - A package to integrate PWA features into Remix
  • superjson-remix - A solution for Remix that allows you to send binary data from your loader to your React client app
  • remix-etag - Makes adding an ETag header to a response easy
  • remix-domains - Decouple your business logic from your Remix actions and loaders. With first-class type inference from end to end.


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