Simplexity Board Game

📖 How to Run

  1. Install virtualenv if you haven't
pip install virtualenv
  1. Create virtualenv
virtualenv venv
  1. Activate the created virtualenv
  1. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run

How to Play with Others

  1. You need to copy class from others to or (for example MinimaxA and MinimaxB to
  2. Both of them need to have different class name (for example class MinimaxA and class MinimaxB)
  3. Run using --is_dump with bot name define in --bot1 or --bot2

⚙️ Config

You can change the config in run.bat

 --row <int>
 --column <int>
 --type <bvb?pvb?pvp>
 --player_choice <0?1>
 --thinking_time <float>
 --bot1 <str>
 --bot2 <str>

✔️ Acknowledgement

This project is used for an assignment from IF3170 Artificial Intelligence 2021/2022