
Returns the parts (leading initial, first, middle, last, suffix) of a name from a string. C#/.NET Port of the original PHP HumanNameParse

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Name: HumanNameParser

Date: 12-Nov-2017

Author: James M. Curran james.curran@gmail.com (based on the work of Jason Priem jason@jasonpriem.com, et al)

License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

Blog entry: https://honestillusion.com/2017/11/12/human-name-parser


Port of the original PHP HumanNameParse into C#/.NET (.NET Standard v1.3) (Original: https://github.com/jasonpriem/HumanNameParser.php )

Takes human names of arbitrary complexity and various wacky formats like:

  • J. Walter Weatherman
  • de la Cruz, Ana M.
  • James C. ('Jimmy') O'Dell, Jr.

and parses out the:

  • leading initial (Like "J." in "J. Walter Weatherman")
  • first name (or first initial in a name like 'R. Crumb')
  • nicknames (like "Jimmy" in "James C. ('Jimmy') O'Dell, Jr.")
  • middle names
  • last name (including compound ones like "van der Sar' and "Ortega y Gasset"), and
  • suffix (like 'Jr.', 'III')


  • 13-Jul-2023

    • Switched target famework from netstandard1.6 to netstandard2.0
  • 25-Apr-2022

    • Created NuGet package. Since there was already a packet called "HumanNameParser", this is "NovelTheory.HumanNameParser", with the namespace changed to match.