
Couchbase docker container

Primary LanguageShell

Couchbase Dockerfile

This repository contains a Dockerfile that can be used to create a cluster of Couchbase nodes

This Dockerfile has been published as a trusted build to the public Docker Registry.



  1. Install Docker.

  2. Download trusted build from public Docker Registry: docker pull jamesdbloom/couchbase


  1. Create first node (with optional sample bucket) docker run -d --name couch_one -p 11210:11210 -p 8091:8091 -p 8092:8092 -e CLUSTER_INIT_USER=Administrator -e CLUSTER_INIT_PASSWORD=password -e SAMPLE_BUCKETS=\"beer-sample\" jamesdbloom/couchbase

  2. Create second node linked to the first docker run -d --name couch_two --link couch_one:couchbase -e CLUSTER_INIT_USER=Administrator -e CLUSTER_INIT_PASSWORD=password jamesdbloom/couchbase

James D Bloom