Use to prevent merge conflict when you have many collaborators in the project.
Use to group features and easy to maintain
app (router, application, splashscreen)
design (ui, base)
common (extensions, utils, helper, handler)
Use to create a common gradle setup
create a folder named "buildSrc"
create a build.gradle.kts
plugins {
repositories {
- use to modify white screen upon opening of the app.
- dependency
- create custom theme and assign it to your activity in the manifest.
<style name="Theme.App.Starting" parent="Theme.SplashScreen">
<item name="windowSplashScreenBackground">@color/white</item>
<item name="windowSplashScreenAnimatedIcon">@drawable/baseline_android_24</item>
<item name="windowSplashScreenAnimationDuration">200</item>
<item name="postSplashScreenTheme">@style/Theme.App</item>
- add this snippet in onCreate
Use to simplify the declaration of singleton class.
use @HiltAndroidApp to Application class to be able to inject dependencies
class MainApplication : Application() {
- use @AndroidEntryPoint to Activity class to be able to inject dependencies
class LoginActivity : BaseActivity()
- use @HiltViewModel to ViewModel class to be able to inject dependencies
class LoginViewModel @Inject constructor(
private val splashUseCase: LoginUseCase): BaseViewModel()
- use @Inject to add dependencies via field member or constructor
class LoginViewModel @Inject constructor( private val splashUseCase: LoginUseCase)
class MainApplication : Application() {
@Inject lateinit var bar: Bar
use @Module to create dependency class/objec
use @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class / ActivityComponent::class) to group the hierarchy of dependencies
object SplashAPIModule
object SplashModule
use qualifier annotation based on @InstallIn components. (@Singleton, @ActivityScoped)
use @Provides to instantiate singleton classes
fun provideService(networkManager: NetworkManager) : SplashService =
networkManager.create(SplashService::class.java) as SplashService
fun provideRepository(service: SplashService) : SplashRepository =
Use to fetch data source using REST api
Multiple serialization support from api response (json or xml)
/// for JSON then use @JSONFormat annotation in your Service interface
/// for XML then use @XMLFormat annotation in your Service class
- Support RX architecture
/// to use Observable<?>, Single<?> as return type in your Services interface
- Add interceptor to handler server error code
// use to handle and throw specific exception
model (data processing)
view (activity, fragment)
view model (bridge between the model classes and view class)
- every group of view should have a state.
sealed class UiState<out T> {
object Loading:UiState<Nothing>()
data class Success<T>(val data: T):UiState<T>()
data class Error(val error: Throwable):UiState<Nothing>()
- live data should observe using state.
// in view model class
private val _apiResponse = MutableLiveData<UiState<ReponseDataModel>>()
val apiResponse: LiveData<UiState<ReponseDataModel>>
get() = _apiResponse
// in activity class
viewModel.apiResponse.observe(this) { state->
when(state) {
is UiState.Loading -> {
// show shimmer
is UiState.Success -> {
// load content
is UiState.Error -> {
// show error spiels, try again functionality, hide content
View model class will call interactor class (use case)
then interactor class will call repository class (data source).
Interactor class is where we do the mapping, combining of callables or any process.
Repository class is the implementation of method to access the data source (remote or local). You can also put the caching of response in this class.
class LoginViewModel @Inject constructor(
private val accountInfoUseCase: AccountInfoUseCase): BaseViewModel() {
private val _accountInfoState = MutableLiveData<UiState<AccountInfoResponse>>()
val accountInfoState: LiveData<UiState<AccountInfoResponse>>
get() = _accountInfoState
fun getAccountInfo() {
.doOnSubscribe {
_appState.value = UiState.Loading
_appState.value = UiState.Success(data)
_appState.value = UiState.Error(it)
class AccountInfoUseCase @Inject constructor(private val repository: AccountRepository) {
fun getAccountInfo(): Observable<AccountInfoResponse> {
return repository.getPromoList()
class AccountRepository @Inject constructor(
private val service: AccountService) {
private val cacheAccountInfo: AccountInfoResponse? = null
fun getPromoList(): Observable<AccountInfoResponse> {
if(cacheAccountInfo !=null) {
return Observable.just(cacheAccountInfo)
return service.getAccountInfo()
.doOnSuccess {
cacheAccountInfo = it
interface AccountService {
fun getAccountInfo():Observable<AccountInfoResponse>
- Use to connect activities from different modules.
sealed class AppRouter {
object LoginScreen: AppRouter() {
fun navigate(activity: Activity) {
object MainScreen: AppRouter() {
fun navigate(activity: Activity) {
/// how to use
- Use to prevent redundancy of snippets .
///check the code of this classes