
  • Use to prevent merge conflict when you have many collaborators in the project.

  • Use to group features and easy to maintain

  • app (router, application, splashscreen)

  • design (ui, base)

  • common (extensions, utils, helper, handler)

  • feature_name

  • uitest

  • buildSrc

buildSrc module

  • Use to create a common gradle setup

  • create a folder named "buildSrc"

  • create a build.gradle.kts

  plugins {
  repositories {

SplashScreen core KTX

  • use to modify white screen upon opening of the app.
  • dependency
  • create custom theme and assign it to your activity in the manifest.
 <style name="Theme.App.Starting" parent="Theme.SplashScreen">
     <item name="windowSplashScreenBackground">@color/white</item>
     <item name="windowSplashScreenAnimatedIcon">@drawable/baseline_android_24</item>
     <item name="windowSplashScreenAnimationDuration">200</item>
     <item name="postSplashScreenTheme">@style/Theme.App</item>
  • add this snippet in onCreate

Dagger Hilt

  • Use to simplify the declaration of singleton class.

  • use @HiltAndroidApp to Application class to be able to inject dependencies

  class MainApplication : Application() {
  • use @AndroidEntryPoint to Activity class to be able to inject dependencies
  class LoginActivity : BaseActivity() 
  • use @HiltViewModel to ViewModel class to be able to inject dependencies
  class LoginViewModel  @Inject constructor(
    private val splashUseCase: LoginUseCase): BaseViewModel() 
  • use @Inject to add dependencies via field member or constructor
  class LoginViewModel @Inject constructor( private val splashUseCase: LoginUseCase)
  class MainApplication : Application() {
    @Inject lateinit var bar: Bar
  • use @Module to create dependency class/objec

  • use @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class / ActivityComponent::class) to group the hierarchy of dependencies

  object SplashAPIModule
  object SplashModule
  • use qualifier annotation based on @InstallIn components. (@Singleton, @ActivityScoped)

  • use @Provides to instantiate singleton classes

  fun provideService(networkManager: NetworkManager) : SplashService =
    networkManager.create( as SplashService
  fun provideRepository(service: SplashService) : SplashRepository =


  • Use to fetch data source using REST api

  • Multiple serialization support from api response (json or xml)

 /// for JSON then use @JSONFormat annotation in your Service interface

 /// for XML then use @XMLFormat annotation in your Service class
  • Support RX architecture
/// to use Observable<?>, Single<?> as return type in your Services interface
  • Add interceptor to handler server error code
// use to handle and throw specific exception

MVVM Architecture

  • model (data processing)

  • view (activity, fragment)

  • view model (bridge between the model classes and view class)

UIState Architecture

  • every group of view should have a state.
sealed class UiState<out T> {

    object Loading:UiState<Nothing>()

    data class Success<T>(val data: T):UiState<T>()

    data class Error(val error: Throwable):UiState<Nothing>()

  • live data should observe using state.
 // in view model class
 private val _apiResponse = MutableLiveData<UiState<ReponseDataModel>>()
    val apiResponse: LiveData<UiState<ReponseDataModel>>
        get() = _apiResponse
// in activity class
  viewModel.apiResponse.observe(this) { state->
            when(state) {
                is UiState.Loading -> {
                  // show shimmer
                is UiState.Success -> {
                  // load content
                is UiState.Error -> {
                  // show error spiels, try again functionality, hide content

Interactor & Repository Achitecture

  • View model class will call interactor class (use case)

    then interactor class will call repository class (data source).

  • Interactor class is where we do the mapping, combining of callables or any process.

  • Repository class is the implementation of method to access the data source (remote or local). You can also put the caching of response in this class.

class LoginViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val accountInfoUseCase: AccountInfoUseCase): BaseViewModel() {

    private val _accountInfoState = MutableLiveData<UiState<AccountInfoResponse>>()
    val accountInfoState: LiveData<UiState<AccountInfoResponse>>
        get() = _accountInfoState

    fun getAccountInfo() {
           .doOnSubscribe {
                _appState.value = UiState.Loading
                 _appState.value = UiState.Success(data)
                _appState.value = UiState.Error(it)

class AccountInfoUseCase @Inject constructor(private val repository: AccountRepository) {
    fun getAccountInfo(): Observable<AccountInfoResponse> {
        return repository.getPromoList()
class AccountRepository @Inject constructor(
    private val service: AccountService) {

   private val cacheAccountInfo: AccountInfoResponse? = null

   fun getPromoList(): Observable<AccountInfoResponse> {
        if(cacheAccountInfo !=null) {
           return Observable.just(cacheAccountInfo)
        return service.getAccountInfo()
               .doOnSuccess {
                    cacheAccountInfo = it
interface AccountService {
    fun getAccountInfo():Observable<AccountInfoResponse>


  • Use to connect activities from different modules.
sealed class AppRouter {
    object LoginScreen: AppRouter()  {
        fun navigate(activity: Activity) {

    object MainScreen: AppRouter()  {
        fun navigate(activity: Activity) {
/// how to use

Base Classes

  • Use to prevent redundancy of snippets .
///check the code of this classes