Digital Paper Edit - Electron

Electron Cross Platform Desktop app

---> Work in progress <--

For a ready to use release of the desktop application, checkout the user instructions for more details on how to get started.

See here for overall project architecture info


git clone
cd digital-paper-edit-electron

Optional step to setup nvm to use node version 10, otherwise just use node version 10

nvm use || nvm install`

in root of project

npm install


npm start

System Architecture

Electron Cross platform desktop app

Development env

Node version is set in node version manager .nvmrc






We use Travis CI to build. The Github access token (from newslabs_deploy user, which is the general News Labs deployment account) is used to deploy. This means that you cannot deploy directly by triggering a build via pushing to master. Because your access token isn't used. You would manually need to trigger the build through the Github UI (which is dumb), because then the changes you make from there is seen as the correct newslabs_deploy user by Travis CI.

There is a ticket to address this workaround: issue