
Easily fetch ember-cli-deploy revisions from Azure Tables in a node app

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


ExpressJS middleware to fetch the current (or specified) revision of your Ember App from Azure Tables deployed by ember-cli-deploy.


ember-cli-deploy is great. It allows you to run multiple versions in production at the same time and view revisions without impacting users. However, the example provided uses koa and many of us are not. This package allows you to easily fetch current and specified index.html revisions from Azure Table storage.

Deploying to Azure via Ember CLI

Check out the excellent ember-cli-deploy-azure addon by duizendnegen!


npm install node-ember-cli-deploy-azure-tables


There are two ways of using the package:

ExpressJS Middleware

  1. require the package
  2. use the package in your app


var express = require('express');
var app = express();

var nodeEmberCliDeployAzureTables = require('node-ember-cli-deploy-azure-tables');
app.use('/*', nodeEmberCliDeployAzureTables({
}, 'myapp'));

Fetching a Specific Revision

You can fetch a specific revision by using the index_key query param. Example:



nodeEmberCliDeployAzureTables(connectionInfo, keyPrefix, options) (middleware constructor)

  • connectionInfo (object, required) - the configuration to connect to azure tables.
    • accountName (required) - azure storage account name
    • accessKey (required) - azure storage account key
  • keyPrefix (required) - the application name, specified for ember deploy
    the keys in azure tables are prefaced with this name. For instance, if your azure table keys are my-app:index:current, you'd pass my-app:index.
  • options (optional) - a hash of params to override the defaults


  • azureTableName (defaults to emberdeploy) overrides the default table name from which to fetch
  • revisionQueryParam (defaults to index_key)
    the query parameter to specify a revision (e.g. http://example.org/?index_key=abc123). the key will be automatically prefaced with your keyPrefix for security.
  • memoize (defaults to false) enable memoizing azure storage. see the memoization section for more details.
  • memoizeOpts customize memoization parameters. see the memoization section for more details.


Since the majority of the requests will be serving the current version of your app, you can enable memoization to reduce the load on Azure Tables. By default, memoization is disabled. To enable it, simply pass:

memoize: true

in your options hash. Additionally, you can pass options to the underlying memoization library (memoizee). Check out their documentation, and the defaults for this library.


app.use('/*', nodeEmberCliDeployAzureTables({
  { memoize: true },


This is a modified version of Ben Limmer's excellent node-ember-cli-deploy-redis package. Thanks, Ben!


Comments/PRs/Issues are welcome!