
A hapi plugin to provide redis

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Dependencies Status DevDependencies Status


This is a plugin to share a common redis connection across the whole Hapi server.

This version is intended for use with hapi v8.x.x

If you are looking for a version that works with hapi v7.x.x then please use version 1.x.x

As of 3.x.x it is now possible to register this plugin multiple times

As of 4.x.x it is now possible to supply a connection string as the option

As of 4.x.x redis is now a peer dependency (0.12.x) to allow users more freedom with redis versions

As of 5.x.x we've scrapped redis as a peer deps

With 6.x.x the options object has changed it's signature

Registering the plugin


  • redisLibrary: passing in a redis module to override the one bundled with this module. optional.
  • enablePromises enables promise support for the default library. Note that this option has no effect when specifying a redisLibrary of your own. optional.
  • connection: an object or string that is passed through to basic-redis-factory as the 2nd argument. The relevant part of the docs are reproduced here for ease of reference:

connection can either be a url connection string (i.e redis://user:password@ or an object.

if connection is an object then the factory will look for the following keys on the object and fallback to defaults for any missing values (host: 127.0.01, port: 6379, no authentication).

  • url : a url connection string.
  • host: the host to connect to.
  • port: the port to connect to.
  • password: the password to authenticate with, if not supplied then no auth will applied.
  • opts: an options object as expected by redis.createClient.

If opts.url is supplied then opts.host, opts.port, and opts.password keys will be ignored.

If you wish to use the hiredis parser then just:

npm install -save hiredis

and this module will automatically use it (unless you override that with the parser option).

The registration of this plugin will only complete on either succesful connection to the redis instance or an error.

Using the plugin

Two objects are exposed by this plugin :

  • client : a redis client connection object that is connected to the redis instance
  • library: the redis module used by this module


var Hapi = require("hapi");

var myPluginOpts = {
    connection: {
        "host": "localhost"
        "opts": {
            "parser": "javascript"

var server = new Hapi.Server(8080);

    register: require('hapi-redis'),
    options: myPluginOpts
}, function () {


server.route( {
    "method"  : "GET",
    "path"    : "/stats",
    "handler" : usersHandler

function usersHandler(request, reply) {
    var redisClient = request.server.plugins['hapi-redis'].client;

    // Do something with the redis client
    // reply(result);

server.start(function() {
    console.log("Server started at " + server.info.uri);

Promise Support

To enable Promise support for the default Redis Library (node_redis), you may pass enablePromises: true in your plugin options. All original methods will now be suffixed with Async. For example, you would now call get() as getAsync(). See the node-redis documentation for more details.