
RandMyMod base on your own struct or class create one or a set of instance, which the variable's value in the instance is automatic randomized.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Alt text

RandMyMod is an IOS Native Framework helps you generate one or a set of variable base on your own model.

No matter your model is Class / Struct.

Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text


  • Cocoapods
pod 'RandMyMod'

Basic Usage

  • Model must conform Codable

import RandMyMod
  • Create a Random Model

     let instance = MyStruct()
     RandMyMod<MyStruct>().randMe(baseOn: instance) { 
     	(newInstance) in
     	guard let newinstance = newInstance else { print("error"); return }
  • Create a set of Random Model

     let instance = MyStruct()
     RandMyMod<MyStruct>().randUs(baseOn: instance) { 
     	(newInstanceArr) in
     	for newInstance in newInstanceArr {
     		guard let newinstance = newInstance else { print("error"); return }
  • RandMyModDelegate

     public protocol RandMyModDelegate {
     	func countForArray(for key: String) -> Int
     	func shouldIgnore(for key: String, in Container: String) -> Bool
     	func catchError(with errorStr: String)
     	func specificRandType(for key: String, in Container: String, with seed: RandType) -> (()->Any)?
  • Swift fake data generator

    vadymmarkov/Fakery : https://github.com/vadymmarkov/Fakery


  1. if the variable in class / stuct is Declared with 『 let 』 , rand mod will not change this variable's value.

    struct MyStruct {
    	let nochange: Int = 0
    let mystruct = MyStruct()
    RandMyMod<MyStruct>().randMe(baseOn: mystruct) { (newstruct) in 
    	newstruct.nochange  // 0
  2. if the variable in class / stuct is Declared with 『 Optional 』 and have no initial Value , rand mod will ignore this variable's value and keep it nil. (Mirror may resolve this issue, may fix in the future)

    struct MyStruct {
    	var opt: Int? = 0
    	var opt2: Int?
    let mystruct = MyStruct()
    RandMyMod<MyStruct>().randMe(baseOn: mystruct) { (newstruct) in 
    	mystruct.opt  // 4242
    	mystruct.opt2 // nil


1. Stuct / Class with native variable type and no special specific:

	class Man: Codable {
    	var name: String = ""
    	var address: String = ""
    	var website: [String] = []
   	let man = Man()
	RandMyMod<Man>().randMe(baseOn: man) { (newMan) in
    	guard let new = newMan else { return }
    	print(new.address) 	//mnxvpkalug
    	print(new.name) 	//iivjohpggb
    	print(new.website)	//["pbmsualvei", "vlqhlwpajf", "npgtxdmfyt"]

2. Stuct / Class with native variable type and specific Rand Type:

struct Man: Codable {
    var name: String = ""
    var age: Int = 40
    var website: [String] = []

extension Man: RandMyModDelegate {
    func countForArray(for key: String) -> Int {
        switch key {
        case "website":
            return 3
            return 0
    func specificRandType(for key: String, in Container: String, with seed: RandType) -> (() -> Any)? {
        switch key {
        case "name":
            return { return seed.name.name() }
        case "age":
            return { return seed.number.randomInt(min: 1, max: 60)}
        case "website":
            return { return seed.internet.url() }
            return nil

let man = Man()
RandMyMod<Man>().randMe(baseOn: man) { (newMan) in
    guard let new = newMan else { print("no"); return }
    print(new.age) 		//32
    print(new.name) 	//Lavada Krajcik
    print(new.website)	//["https://littleohara.name/johathangleason6379", "https://kautzerwunsch.biz/karleejones8880", "https://purdy.net/olivercorkery"]

3. Stuct / Class with own defined variable type and specific Rand Type:

struct Man: Codable {
    var name: String = ""
    var age: Int = 40
    var website: [String] = []
    var child: Child = Child()

struct Child: Codable {
    var name: String = "Baby" //Baby has no name yet.
    var age: Int = 2
    var toy: Toys = Toys()

class Toys: Codable {
    var weight: Double = 0.0

extension Man: RandMyModDelegate {
    func shouldIgnore(for key: String, in Container: String) -> Bool {
        switch (key, Container) {
        case ("name","child"):
            return true
            return false
    func specificRandType(for key: String, in Container: String, with seed: RandType) -> (() -> Any)? {
        switch (key, Container) {
        case ("age","child"):
            return { return seed.number.randomInt(min: 1, max: 6)}
        case ("weight",_):
            return { return seed.number.randomFloat() }
            return nil

let man = Man()
RandMyMod<Man>().randMe(baseOn: man) { (newMan) in
    guard let child = newMan?.child else { print("no"); return }
    print(child.name)	//Baby
    print(child.age)	//3
    print(child.toy.weight)	//392.807067871094


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