
Assignments for APPM 6640 - Multigrid Method

Primary LanguageC++

#Multigrid Assignments

Assignments for APPM 6640 - Multigrid Method



Note that I'm using the C++11 standard and GCC 4.9.2. I've enabled colorized diagnostic messages. You can disable the coloring (for instance, if you've got an older version of the GCC) in the top level Makefile in the C++ directory.

Programming Assignment 4

Build with make prog04; run with ./prog04. I only write to cout.

Programming Assignment 3

Build with make prog03. I write a few text files to figures/prog03/ and list them in my writeup.

Programming Assignment 2

From the top level C++ directory, you can build the required executables with make prog02.

You can run the executable and build the figures from the top level C++ directory as well. Just run make prog02_fig.

The figures are made with gnuplot and are output for use as TikZ pictures. You can clean up everything with make deepclean.


Programming Assignment 1

Instructions are in the beginning of prog01.jl.