
Project Thoth is the first step towards the eradication Internet slang. We hope that if people read less slang they will post less themselves thus reducing the amount that we have to see cluttering up our web browsers.


Currently the installation is rather complicated as the web server needs to be run locally at the moment. In the future, this may change. For now, here is a step by step guide to installing Project Thoth


  1. Download and extract the zip folder
  2. Download and install python 3.3
  3. Open YRS-Thoth/Client/install.html in firefox and click 'Install Extension'
  4. Now use Thoth from extracted zip folder


  1. Set Firefox as your default browser
  2. Run setup.exe in YRS-Thoth/WindowsInstall
  3. Check install add-on at the end of the installation
  4. Use Thoth from the icons created


To use Project Thoth there must be a webserver running (YRS-Thoth/WebServer/bin/Release/WebFixServer.exe) either on your computer or someone elses. If this is running and the add-on is enabled (by clicking the Thoth icon in the top-right hand corner of the screen so that it turns light-blue), you should be able to navigate to any non-https:// website and Project Thoth will automatically fix both spelling and grammar. On slower machines this may take a while but, in the meantime, the old website will be displayed. Here is a good website on which to test Project Thoth: http://al153.github.io/bad_grammar.


Project Thoth sends all http websites over the internet to its webserver and then on to whoever happens to be running the server application. We therefore take no responsibility for intercepted traffic, misrepresented webpages or happy employees at the NSA.