Materials for the Azure / Planetary Computer workshop at the CIROH Training and Developers Conference.
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These notebooks give an overview of national water model data on Azure, and an introduction to cloud-native geospatial data analysis.
- Introduction: An overview of the NWM data available on Azure.
- Problems: Some challenges with using NWM data on the cloud.
- Using Kerchunk: Using Kerchunk to speed up access to NWM data.
- Tabular: Accessing NWM data as a geoparquet dataset.
The processing
directory has some scripts for
- Creating Kerchunk index files
- Rechunking the data
- Converting the
data to ageoparquet
Check those out if you're interested in some of the behind-the-scenes work for making data available on the cloud.
The terraform
directory has some stuff for deploying the infrastructure in the workshop.
- forcing
- other forecast hours