SQL Challenge

For this challenge, you will need to write 4 sql statements. The only code that needs to change is in the views/parks_requests.py file. In that file, there are 4 TODO's to write the sql statements needed.

Along with assessing your sql skills this will also assess your ability to solve problems and ask for help. Use your resources! This includes instructors, google, and past projects. This does not include teammates.


Here is the ERD for this challenge:

Set Up

After cloning the repo:

  1. pipenv shell
  2. pipenv install
  3. touch db.sqlite3
  4. Connect to the database file and run all the sql commands inside the seed_db.sql file. This will create the tables and insert the data
  5. Create a scratch.sql file to try out any sql before you add it to the python file


The only code that will be added is the sql statement in each method. No other changes will need to be made

  1. The get_all_parks sql is assessing your knowledge of joins and ordering. It should return all the parks information along with the state_id abbr, park_type_id, and label. The parks should be ordered alphabetically by the park name
  2. The get_parks_by_type sql is assessing your knowledge of filtering. It should return the parks associated with a specific park type
  3. The create_park sql is assessing your knowledge of adding a row to the database. The new row should be inserted into the Park table with the correct information
  4. The delete_park sql is assessing your knowledge of removing a row from the database. It should remove a park from the database based on the id passed to the function

Testing Locally

Testing with Postman

  1. Running the server: Use the debug panel to run the server. The launch.json file is already set up so press play to start the debugger.

  2. In Postman the url's to use are

    1. Testing get_all_parks: http://localhost:5000/parks
    2. Testing get_parks_by_type: http://localhost:5000/parks?type=1
      • Make sure it works with all park types 1-4
    3. Testing create_park:
      • url: http://localhost:5000/parks
      • method: POST
      • body:
            'name': 'Joshua Tree',
            'state_id': 3,
            'park_type_id': 1,
            'description': 'Joshua Tree description'
    4. Testing delete_park: http://localhost:5000/parks/1
      • Make sure it works with other park ids

Running the UnitTest file

To see the test output before pushing to github: python3 test_parks.py