
A tiny docker image for tectonic latex engine with a primed cache

Primary LanguageTeX

A tiny docker image with a working tectonic latex engine with a primed cache.

docker pull rekka/tectonic

Only 54MB compressed.

A fully working latex engine. Packages that are not in the cache will be downloaded on demand.

Example: Gitlab CI

Create a .gitlab-ci.yml with the following content for very fast pdf builds.

  image: rekka/tectonic
    - tectonic my-document.tex
      - my-document.pdf

Example: Travis CI

Create a .travis.yml file with, assuming the main tex file to be src/main.tex,

sudo: required

  - docker

  # We use the docker image from https://hub.docker.com/r/rekka/tectonic/
  - docker pull rekka/tectonic
  - docker run --mount src=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/src,target=/usr/src/tex,type=bind rekka/tectonic tectonic main.tex

Priming the cache

After building tectonic, it is run on the tex files in this repo to download all the common files from the tectonic bundle.