
[Ongoing] Personal Wiki with unorganized information

Random bits of information from all over the internet.

➡️ Chaospedia

What is a Chaospedia?

Chaospedia is a term I coined to describe a space where I dump information without worrying about writing them for other human beings to understand. At the moment, Chaospedia is an experimental concept, which means that I can change how it looks, works, the technologies it uses, and its existence at all. Chaospedia is currently hosted on https://gitbook.com.

The main website (blog) is over at https://codingindex.xyz, and all the content in the blog is open-source and available to anyone who visits the website's repository @ https://github.com/jameshi16/personal-website. The main website has a strict, self-imposed, no JavaScript policy, so it can be viewed from almost any circumstances, including for the privacy-paranoid.

Chaospedia (Gitbook-hosted) uses some JavaScript, although I do have some plans to make a non-JavaScript version by dual-hosting Chaospedia on GitHub pages. I'll update my blog whenever that happens. At the moment, unfortunately, the JavaScript imposed by Gitbook includes:

  • Google Analytics (albiet without an Analytics ID, because I haven't and refuse to make one)
  • Polyfills from polyfill.io
  • An unknown logger technology that didn't load under uBlock Origin

The hope for Chaospedia is to serve as a information dump for stuff that don't make it into a blog post, and as supplementary material for projects I publish on the internet; things such as API documentation may either have their own Gitbook wiki, or reside within a page in Chaospedia.