
Manage multiple kubectl versions

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A pyenv-like CLI tool for managing and using multiple kubectl versions.



  • UNIX-like operating system (e.g. macOS, Ubuntu)
  • bash

kenv may work with other similar shells or setups, though they are not (yet) supported.


    go get github.com/jameshiew/kenv
    kenv init  # initializes the `.kube/kenv` directory, where shims and kubectl versions will be stored
    eval "$(kenv init -)"  # activates kenv for this shell session
    echo 'command -v kenv >/dev/null 2>&1 && eval "$(kenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc  # (or ~/.bash_profile) - load kenv into your shell at start up


Install a version of kubectl

kenv install 1.17.0

Set the global (i.e. default)) kubectl version

kenv global 1.17.0

If no global version is set with kenv, the system's kubectl will be used by default.

Set a local kubectl version

kenv local 1.17.0 

Creates a .kenv.yml file in the local directory, that will record the kubectl version to use.

Set a kubectl version for a shell session

kenv shell 1.17.0

Sets the $KENV_VERSION environment variable.

Everything else

Run kenv help to see more help strings.