
PDF extractor used to generate text statistics of PDF files. Based on Apache PDFBox.

Primary LanguageJava

PDF Text Extractor

PDF extractor used to generate text statistics of PDF files. Based on Apache PDFBox.

User Guide

  1. Download or build the latest release of pdf-extractor-{version}.jar (the JAR)

  2. Move the JAR to folder that is convenient to you

  3. Prepare the (relative or absolute) paths for the following

    1. The {keywords_file}, e.g. keywords/keywords.txt
      • Must be plain text of any extension
    2. A {pdf_folder} that contains the PDF files to be extracted, e.g. pdf/
      • Only PDF files with a .pdf extension will be processed
    3. A {output_file} path, e.g. output/output.xlsx
      • File name must end with .xlsx
  4. Open Terminal or Command Prompt and navigate to the folder that contains the JAR

  5. Run the JAR with the following command:

    java -jar pdf-extractor-{version}.jar --keyword-file-path {keywords_file} --pdf-folder-path {pdf_folder} --output-file-path {output_file} --parallel --case-sensitive
    • Mandatory flags
      • --keyword-file-path: path of {keywords_file}
      • --pdf-folder-path: path of {pdf_folder}
      • --output-file-path: path of {output_file}
    • Optional (but important) flags
      • --parallel: enables parallel processing
        • if this flag is not set, the program uses sequential processing
      • --case-sensitive: enables case-sensitive matching
        • if this flag is not set, the program converts both the keywords and the extracted text to lower case before comparing

An Example

java -jar pdf-extractor-2.0.0.jar --keyword-file-path "keywords/keywords.txt" --pdf-folder-path "pdf/" --output-file-path "output/output.xlsx"


  1. org.apache.commons.commons-lang3
  2. org.apache.pdfbox.pdfbox
  3. org.apache.poi.poi
  4. org.apache.poi.poi-ooxml
  5. org.javatuples.javatuples