
The frontend for the app version of https://copythat.io

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The frontend for the app version of https://copythat.io

## Usage

  • yarn dev to dev
  • yarn build to build into ./next directory
  • yarn start to run the build
  • now to deploy (runs automatically from master branch of this github repo)

Adding Posts

  1. Write your post in markdown
  2. Add it as a .mdx file in /pages/posts with the name of the file matching the url of the post.
  3. Add a .tsx file with the same name and add meta data and export a react component to render using the content from the MDX file. Meta is typed to help you. See other posts for examples.

Analysing bundle size

  • yarn analyse builds an html file that will open automatically in your browser to visualise your dependencies (uses Webpack Bundle Analyzer).
  • There is also a stats file generated at .next/server/stats.json.