
Jenkins plugin for pushing Sonar build statuses on a Slack channel.

Primary LanguageJava


Jenkins plugin for pushing Sonar quality gate statuses to a given Slack channel.

The plugin runs as a post build action and runs no matter the outcome of the job. The plugin makes an API request to a Sonar server instance to get all the metrics for a given job. If the sonar job has a quality gate defined and linked to the project all the check given checks will be reported back if they 'fail'.

For a failed code coverage check it looks like this:

Sonar job

Job: My project

Branch: master


Quality gate: coverage

Reason: Coverage < 60

Value: 29.0%


Parameter Usage Examples
Slack hook This is the hook into a given channel and it is generated by the Slack incoming Webhook extension. Just paste the full URL here. https://hooks.slack.com/services/12/34/56
Additional channel The default channel can be overridden by entering a given channel name. 'team-spawn'
Sonar root URL This is the root of the remote Sonar installation. The URL is the base for the metrics query and linkage to jobs. sonar.mycompany.com:9000
Sonar job name The name the project has in Sonar. Case sensitive
Branch name The name the project has in Sonar is usually post-pended with a branch name e.g. ' <branch'. Set the branch name to find the correct job. Case sensitive. 'super-awesome-service bugfixBranch'

Supported metrics

The following metrics are supported in the notification.

  • qi-quality-index
  • coverage
  • test_success_density
  • blocker_violations
  • critical_violations