
Survive and thrive with SRV|VRS tech recommendations

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Week 6

Project description

We have plagiarised the SRV|VRS app to allow you to add and delete tech tools to aid in your survival during self-isolation. Anyone can view these, but only you can add to and delete from the list of tools on the remote database (when you're signed in).

Set up instructions

Visit the deployed version of the website on Heroku.

Or set up your own local production database:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run $ npm install on your terminal
  3. Run npm run dev to check server runs
  4. Run these commands in your terminal to set up user, app database and test database
$ psql -c "CREATE USER myuser WITH PASSWORD 'mypassword'"
$ psql -c "ALTER USER myuser WITH SUPERUSER"
$ psql -c "CREATE DATABASE srvvrs_db WITH OWNER myuser"
$ psql -c "CREATE DATABASE srvvrs_test WITH OWNER myuser"
  1. Create a .env file in the root folder with the following inside
  1. Comment out the following line on your connection.js file which connects to the Heroku database
// connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
  1. Run psql to enter Postgres CLI
  2. Connect to database # \c srvvrs_db
  3. Initialise database # \i source/database/init.sql
  4. Run $ npm run dev to run app on localhost
  5. Run psql and connect to test database # \c srvvrs_test
  6. Run $ npm test to run tests

Database Schema


CREATE TABLE user_input (
  category TEXT NOT NULL,
  tool_name VARCHAR(50),
  tool_description VARCHAR(280),
  tool_link VARCHAR(75),
  added_by VARCHAR(50)
  love INTEGER 