
remote logging for react native and redux store with a remote elastic-search kibana center

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Remote logging for react native and redux store on top of elastic-search kibana dashboard. Features:

  • Bulk updates to save bandwidth
  • Indexing data by key(clientId)
  • Offline support
  • Created for redux and thunk
  • Entries are composed by the action value
  • Time based, automatically timestamp per entry


npm install --save react-native-remote-logger

Complete Redux Thunk Example

cat examples/Counters/src/createStore.js                                                        ✓  11211  00:06:36
// @flow

import { createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers } from 'redux'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'

// 2. Import the classes
import { RemoteLogger, RemoteLoggerReduxMid } from 'react-native-remote-logger'

import { app } from './modules'

// 3. Configure your client
const RemoteLoggerClient = new RemoteLogger({
    maxPerRequest: 10,
    clientId: 'counter',
    endpoint: 'https://.us-west-2.es.amazonaws.com/_bulk'

// 4. Appened the curry utility to the middleware of your redux store
const middleware = applyMiddleware(thunk, RemoteLoggerReduxMid.bind(null, RemoteLoggerClient))

export default (data: Object = {}) => {
  const rootReducer = combineReducers({
    //every modules reducer should be define here
    [app.NAME]: app.reducer

  return createStore(rootReducer, data, middleware)



maxPerRequest: Integer, How many entries would you like to bulk per request clientId: String, Elastic Search Index endpoint: Strig, URL of your elastic search debug: bool, Set to true to show in the inspector the entry value


Update the elastic search index


Curry function for the Middleware

Elastic Search + KIBANA

AWS Deploy:

Create a new instance in less than 5 minutes here: https://aws.amazon.com/elasticsearch-service/

Create a index per clientId

  1. Go to management > Index Patterns > Create index pattern
  2. Write down the client id which is the index pattern
  3. Go to Discover > search the recently created index pattern

