
Basic Package Manager for IBM i

MIT LicenseMIT

Relic Package Manager

This project allows you to download and install programs onto your IBM i system from GitHub (soon to be any Git repo)

Basic Package Manager for IBM i, tested on:

  • 7.1
  • 7.2
  • 7.3

Currently, it only supports GitHub. This is because my hosted system doesn't have a version of Git, once my request has gone through to get it installed, you'll be able to use any Git repo.

If you want to get your RPG project on GitHub then please let me know on Gitter or by emailing me as I am more than willing to help. :-)

How to install

The current way of installing

  1. You'll need to get the source from this repo into a source member or IFS file - FTP / Copy+Paste via Rational Developer for i. I've been using FFPKGMGR as my development library, but the choice is your.
  3. Should hopefully be installed.


  1. Do a git clone https://github.com/Club-Seiden/RelicPackageManager.git /home/[USER]/Relic/ where [USER] is your user profile name (you also have to create the Relic directory).
  2. Compile RELIC.RPGLE from the IFS (I use FFPKGMGR, you can use any) using CRTSQLRPGI with COMMIT(*NONE).

How to use

  1. Find a GitHub repo you want to install onto your system, for example FFEDIT.
  2. There are three paramters to the RELIC program. The organisation or user the repo is in, the repo name and what library to use/install into. Run CALl RELIC PARM('RelicPackages' 'FFEDIT' 'SOMELIB') for FFEDIT to be installed into SOMELIB.

How to create a build file.

  1. Create a build.txt file in your repo.
  2. A build file contains 3 sections. dirs:, files: and build:. dirs: is the list of directories and sub-directories to be made. files: is the list of sources/files to download onto your system. build: is the commands to run after all directories and sources have been made.

You can find examples in any repo in the RelicPackages organisation.