
Deploying an S3 bucket and Cloudfront to create signed URLs for private files using CloudFormation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Deploying an S3 bucket and Cloudfront to create signed URLs for private files using CloudFormation

This is a github repository for the examples I've created to go along with my article describing how to use Cloudformation to create the necessary resources for Cloudfront signed URLs.

Commands to generate private and public keys

	openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 2048
	openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem

Example command to deploy the template

aws cloudformation deploy  --template ./cloudformation.yml --stack-name cloudfront-signed-urls --parameter-overrides BucketName=cloudfront-signed-urls PublicKey="$(<public_key.pem)"

Change the name of the bucket (in this case cloudfront-signed-urls) to whatever you like, but it has to be universally unique; The deployment will fail if anybody in the world has already used this bucket name. The PublicKey="$(<public_key.pem)" bit will inject the contents of public_key.pem into this parameter. Make sure you have already generated this file with the open-ssl commands above.