Advanced CSS and Intro to JavaScript



  • use arrays to store and access data
  • use array properties and array methods


Baskin Robins, a global chain of ice cream parlors, first opened in 1945 and served 31 flavors of Ice Cream. They have grown to almost 6,000 franchises world wide and have now became famous for serving exactly 31 flavors at a time. Since they first opened, they no longer serve the same 31 flavors, but they do always have exactly 31 ice cream flavors available.

Your challenge today will be to work with their array of ice cream flavors to access, remove, and add flavors, all while ensuring the length never exceeds 31.


Task 1: Set up Project

  • Create a forked copy of this project
  • Add your team lead as collaborator on Github
  • Clone your OWN version of the repository (Not Lambda's by mistake!)
  • Create a new branch: git checkout -b <firstName-lastName>.
  • Implement the project on your newly created <firstName-lastName> branch, committing changes regularly
  • Push commits: git push origin <firstName-lastName>

Task 2: MVP

Find the file index.js and complete the tasks until your returns look like the expected returns. Do not use any of the forbidden methods!

Task 2b: Exit Ticket

Once you begin, you will have 15 minutes to answer the questions here.

The completion of these questions is mandatory for MVP. However, passing the quiz doesn't affect your standing as a Lambda School student whatsoever. This is Lambda School testing itself! Please answer honestly and to the best of your ability without using external references.

Task 3: Stretch

There are several stretch goals inside index.js. You may work on these once you have finished MVP requirements for the day!


Why aren't my results showing up in the console?

Make sure you are invoking your function after defining and wrapping a console.log around the invocation in order to view results in the console.


🤝W3 Schools - JavaScript Arrays

🍦Baskin Robins Flavors

Submission format

Follow these steps for completing your project.

  • Submit a Pull-Request to merge Branch into master (student's Repo). Please don't merge your own pull request.
  • Add your team lead as a reviewer on the pull-request
  • Your team lead will count the project as complete by merging the branch back into master