Pivotal RubyMine Preferences

IMPORTANT NOTE: In all of the following paths/commands, replace "XX" with your proper RubyMine version

Pivotal Standard RubyMine Keymap

To install these keybindings into RubyMine copy the pivotal.xml file to this path:


...or you can just run the following command:

wget --no-check-certificate -O ~/Library/Preferences/RubyMineXX/keymaps/pivotal.xml http://github.com/pivotal/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine/raw/master/keymaps/pivotal.xml

If RubyMine is running you will need to restart before the keybindings will be available.

RubyMine Live Templates for working with Ruby

A few handy shortcuts in addition to those shipping with RubyMine.

To Install:

Clone & then copy Ruby.xml into this path:


...or you can just run the following command:

wget --no-check-certificate -O ~/Library/Preferences/RubyMineXX/templates/Ruby.xml http://github.com/pivotal/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine/raw/master/templates/Ruby.xml

If RubyMine is running you will need to restart before the templates will be available.

RubyMine Live Templates for writing Palm(R) webOS(tm)

Included are templates for (among other things):

  • the various Jasmine blocks (describe(), it(), runs(), etc.)
  • blocking out the main entry points for a webOS Scene Assistant
  • making a new protoype property on a JavaScript class

These should be useful for any JavaScript/Jasmine project

To Install:

Clone & then copy jasmine.xml and webOS.xml into this path:


...or you can just run the following commands:

wget --no-check-certificate -O ~/Library/Preferences/RubyMineXX/templates/jasmine.xml http://github.com/pivotal/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine/raw/master/templates/jasmine.xml

wget --no-check-certificate -O ~/Library/Preferences/RubyMineXX/templates/webOS.xml http://github.com/pivotal/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine/raw/master/templates/webOS.xml

If RubyMine is running you will need to restart before the templates will be available.