
Access Report Data script won't run but did before

ledelprete opened this issue · 8 comments

I am having trouble getting this script to run. It ran beautifully on a different course last November.
Maybe the course is too big? The current course has 2,400 students enrolled while the November course only had 250. The script isn't showing on the dropdown menu under People,

The script may struggle with 2400 students, however, it isn't even getting to that point since it's not showing up on the menu. I modified the script a couple of months ago because of changes in FileSaver.js and because it was failing on some sections that had no student enrollments.

Since it was working in November and not showing up now, my first guess is that the script has been updated and that you have a custom domain for your Canvas instance that isn't *.instructure.com and so it's not even running the script. To fix that, edit the @ //include line to match your site.

The second guess would be that you're running Firefox and Greasemonkey, which currently does not work as my script relies on jQuery and changes made last year to Firefox forced Greasemonkey to undergo a rewrite and certain things that used to work, like using the built-in jQuery, no longer function. You can verify that by going to developer tools (F12) and looking at the console; there will be some script errors like $ is not defined. The current fix is to stop using Greasemonkey and switch to use Tampermonkey.

Back to the 2400 students -- I don't have anything that big to test with, but people have experienced timeouts with Chrome that didn't happen with Firefox. That is only a concern after you get it running.

I don't think the issue with the timeout was Tampermonkey as much as Chrome. Tampermonkey works on most of the major browsers, including Firefox. I hope the Tampermonkey / Firefox combo will work for you.

I've just tried the script with Chrome/Greasemonkey, Chrome/Tampermonkey, and Firefox/Tampermonkey, with a course containing just 11 users. Unfortunately, the progress bar fills to completion, but it never presents the CSV in any of them. As a work around, I'm going to attempt to downgrade Firefox to v54 to see if that will fix the issue.

Evidently I'm not firing on all cylinders this week. I was foolishly trying to use the script in a training course that I only had student access in - obviously, I did not have the proper Canvas permissions for it to work. When I tried it in the courses I'm actually teaching (both Firefox and Chrome) it worked perfectly.