Nuforc Scraper

This is a small utility for scraping the NUFORC UFO Database.

Note: There are a lot of things wrong with this project, including:

  • Not being in gem format with a legitimate bin folder.
  • No throttling on the scraping. Use at your own risk.
  • No real logging.

If you have time and the inclination I'm open to PRs to fix some of these things. Just make sure you're adding tests for everything you do (see the spec folder).


ruby lib/nuforc_scraper scrape <DIR>

This will scrape all incidents for every month in the database.

ruby lib/nuforc_scraper scrape <DIR> --since mm/dd/YYYY

This will scrape all incidents since a given posted date. Useful if you have already scraped the database and you just need the delta of the newly added incidents.