jameskermode's Followers
- adelleDr
- AlexBuccheriMax Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter
- ameeya-bhusanCSIR-NCL
- amirhajibabaeiUniversity of Cambridge
- arn-allIRSN Cadarache
- bashanbro巴山学长微信公众号
- biterikMax-Planck -Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
- CheukHinHoJerryUniversity of British Columbia
- Danishshafique1234
- Eulogist
- FermiQA Govt. National Lab.
- Fraser-Birks
- george0stEurope, Czech Republic, Prague
- heroiciota
- hitergeleiHunan University
- hityingphShenzhen
- IrratzoForschungszentrum Jülich
- JaGeoFederal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
- jmp75Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- KarimElgammalNorthvolt
- lan496Preferred Networks, Inc.
- MartinLadecky
- mttrin93@ICAMS
- Neugierigejunge
- nikhilss219
- Phoenix-97
- principio87
- QuantumChemisthttps://github.com/BAMresearch
- ranzhengcodeHarbin Institute of Technology
- rbjiawen
- SoftEng-IslamEgypt
- sunt05UCL RDR
- tcnicholasGhent
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- worldleadSelf-employed