
Eurostar Technical Test

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Eurostar Technical Assignment


Basic Scripts to run project

You should clone this repository and run npm install from the correct directory within your terminal. Once all of the files are installed, you should be able to:

  1. Run npm run dev - you should see the following: 🚄 Server running @ http://localhost:4000 This command runs with nodemon to auto-reload
  2. Run npm run devStart - starts FE of project with webpack and opens localhost page automatically in browser
  3. Run npm run build - to bundle project for production and create dist folder for deployment
  4. Run npm t - to test project using jest
  5. Run npm run cypress - to run e2e tests using cypress

Methods followed for Project

  1. Testing - e2e, integrations, route testing was completed at a basic level to ensure rudimentary testing of project. Used Husky to test automatically pre-commit and pre-push
  2. Agile - Using Github projects and always 'moving forward' in an agile manner. Any fixes were raised as new issues.

Basic Requirements for Project

  • Load and display the todo items title from http://localhost:4000/api/todos ordering them on their ID in descending order
  • Display the total number of todo items
  • Display the completed number of todo items
  • Add styling

Technologies Used

  • Husky
  • React
  • Redux
  • Redux DevTools
  • Cypress
  • Jest
  • Supertest
  • React Testing Library
  • Styled Components
  • Webpack
  • Babel

Future Goals

  • Deploy on Heroku
  • Connect completed tasks component to update automatically when component
  • Build more in depth tests to test API responses and react components
  • Add more features such as authentication so that users can create their own to-do lists
  • See Github project for other issues in the pipeline.