
Code to impute and analyse sports volunteering rates in English local areas using ActiveLives dataset

Primary LanguageR

Imputation and analysis of sports volunteering rates in English local areas using Sport England's ActiveLives survey

James Liley, Bilal Ashraf, Caroline Dodd-Reynolds, Lindsay Findlay-King, Iain Lindsey, Jochen Einbeck


This repository concerns rates of sports volunteering in English local areas, using data from Sport England's ActiveLives survey. Analyses are in R. Data is not included in this repository but can be downloaded from the UK data service.


This repository contains two zipped files, each containing datasets and code in the R language.

  • The first file (ActiveLives_share.zip) contains a pipeline to impute individual-level volunteering status (namely, whether an invididual had engaged in sports volunteering in the past month or in the past year). Please see the report contained in the zip file for more details.
  • The second file (ActiveLives_shiny.zip) contains code to generate an R shiny app to visualise data.


This repository does not contain any ActiveLives data. Relevant datasets are publically available from UKDA.

To use this code, please do the following:

  1. Clone this repository locally
  2. Download the 2017-18 ActiveLives survey as a .sav file. The script will expect it to be called 20220209 Active Lives Survey_May 17-18 data_Shared.sav and look for it in the subdirectory Analysis/Data/Original/. The data also needs the codebook, which it will expect to be called "Active Lives Adult Code Book_Mid year 3_V1_final.xlsx" , also in the subdirectory Analysis/Data/Original/.
  3. In R, set the working directory to the folder Analysis.
  4. Please see the README in Analysis/Code for details on running analyses. The file Analysis/Code/read_raw.R will read the .sav file, and files Analysis/Code/initial_analysis.R and Analysis/Code/analysis.R will perform the main analyses.

To use the app, please do the following (after doing the above):

  1. In R, set the working directory to the folder Shiny
  2. Run the file la_associations.R
  3. Run the file chloropleth.R. This will generate the file Shiny/App/la_data.RData.
  4. The app should now work.