Tiny Stock Quotes is tiny Android app which allows you to follow any NASDAQ stock in simple and comfortable way. Forget about heavy interfaces and lots of difficult functions, just create a list of stocks, you want to follow and get acsess to last quotes and news in any time.
Tiny Stock Quotes is totally free, open source and contains no advertising. App is still in beta, and I am developing it on my free time, so I am always open to all kinds of feedback.
Link to Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.linuxspace.stockquotes
I created this app because I didn't find in Google Play simple solution for following NASDAQ stocks quotes. Without tons of unuseful functions, services which are westing my battery lifetime and annoying push notifications, I wanted just open the app, check stock quotes, take a look at latest news and close it. And that's exactly what Tiny Stock Quotes doing. Unfortunately I don't have lots of free time right now in order to continue improving app, but I am open for all kinds of contribution. Feel free to copy or modify the code, send pull requests or open bug reports. Also will be great to add ability following other exchanges, i.e MICEX.
If you will use app code for learning Android development, you will find examples of next things:
- Custom Listview adapters
- Search autocomplete adapter
- Threading with AsyncTask, using callbacks for UI updating from thread
- Working with JSON format
- SlidingDrawer
- Styling and dynamic changing of Android 5.0 toolbar
- Animations
- Basic usage of WebView
- Working with SharedPreferences