
A few demo files for an internal saltstack class.

Primary LanguageSaltStack


A few demo files for an internal saltstack class.

Basic Setup

This relies largely on Vagrant and VirtualBox.

Behold an copy-pasta;

# You're on an apple laptop aren't you.
brew install -y caskroom/cask/vagrant

# Install a few vagrant plugins
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hosts vagrant-vbguest

# Ready to roll
vagrant up

# (Optional) Get on the saltmaster and give it a try
vagrant ssh master

Post Setup tasks

# Deploy the latest
sudo -i
cd /vagrant

# Highstate the saltmaster
salt -G role:saltmaster state.highstate

Bonus Points

If you self-identify as an AWS Devops Engineer, there is an aws networking state that will build you a basic VPC environment.

# From the saltmaster
salt-call --local state.apply tasks.aws.vpc_init

There are also some salt-cloud profiles. Inspect etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ for more info.