
Testing how to scrape the Electric Kiwi accounts page

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ElectricKiwi summary scraper

A teeny wee script that goes and grabs the summary data from your Electric Kiwi account.

Uses Nightmare as the headless browser runner.

To run

npm install to get all dependencies.

You'll need to create a secrets.json file with your username and password in it (this is not committed into git, BTW). You can rename secrets.example.json to secrets.json and go from there.

node . will run it. You will need Node 7 or above to support async/await.

What info this gets

It will print a JSON object that looks like this:

  dateRange: 'Jan 13th to Jan 13th, 2019',
  electricityTotal: '$6.10',
  electricityUsage: '$0.2979/kWh',
  hopUsage: '1.51 kWh',
  supplyCharges: '1 days',
  supplyChargesRate: '$1.0000/day',
  supplyChargesTotal: '$1.00',
  total: '$7.10'