
A set of T4 template files you can use with the Entity Framework Power Tools for generating code-first classes from an existing database. For more details, see the original blog post from Rowan Miller at http://romiller.com/2012/05/09/customizing-reverse-engineer-code-first-in-the-ef-power-tools/


A set of T4 template files you can use with the Entity Framework Power Tools for generating code-first classes from an existing database. For more details, see the original blog post from Rowan Miller at http://romiller.com/2012/05/09/customizing-reverse-engineer-code-first-in-the-ef-power-tools/

Steps needed to use these files:

  • install Entity Framework Power Tools
    • inside Visual Studio, you can go to the Extension Manager via Tools -> Extensions and Updates and search for "Entity Framework Power Tools" to find and install it.
  • Right-click on the project you want to host the resulting classes and select Entity Framework -> Customize Reverse Engineer Tempaltes
    • this will create 3 template files (Context.tt, Entity.tt, Mapping.tt) under a CodeTemplates/ReverseEngineerCodeFirst directory inside your project
  • modify the files
    • the simplest option is likely to download the 'raw' files from this repo over top of the files that were created
  • Right-click on the project you want to host the resulting classes and select Entity Framework -> Reverse Engineer Code First
    • this will generate the Code First classes for your model.

Known issues

  • Needs to add [ForeignKey] attribute for cases where the convention doesn't correctly work out the FK column