A 5-day computing primer for incoming Graduate Students at Vanderbilt University
Day 1: Introduction to R
- Installing R and RStudio
- Tour of R Studio
- How to think about R: what are variables, functions, and packages?
- What is a vector?
- Making vectors
- Subsetting with vectors
- Boolean Logic Primer
Day 2: Dataframes and Cleaning Data
- Intro to Dataframes
- Basic dataframe manipulation
- Intro to Tidyverse Principles
- dplyr (select, rename, filter, mutate)
Day 3: Cleaning and Visualizing Data with the Tidyverse
- Intro to data visualization
- ggplot2 (qplot, geom_line, geom_point)
- Getting help
Day 4: LaTeX
- Advantages of LaTeX
- Easy LaTex with Overleaf
- Equations in LaTeX
- The Stargazer package
Day 5: Miscellaneous R and Reference Management Systems
- Using Zotero or Mendeley for reference management
- Downloading papers directly from the internet to your RMS
- .bib files
- Loops in R
Nick Eubank and Claire Evans developed several of the exercises for this course.
Some tutorials are based on Simon Edjemyr's fantastic R Tutorials.