Redux exercise

We have a YouTube app which allows us to search YouTube videos and play them by clicking on the result. In this exercise we want to convert it to use Redux.


"Weeks of programming can save hours of planning"

  • Working in pairs, fork and clone the repo
  • Take a look at the code first to understand the data flow and which components are responsible for which behaviour.
  • Using pen and paper draw a diagram of current data flow.
  • Plan out what data you want to store in your Redux store.
  • Decide what containers you will need to power your presentational components
  • Plan what reducers and actions you will need.
  • Decide on a plan what order you will implement your application in. Aim to implement a small part using Redux and expand it small steps at a time. Make sure you test frequently.
  • Please confirm plan with Dmitri or Oliver before moving to implementation phase.

Commit frequently. Push your code at the end and create a pull requests.