
Extra component to output internals of your rasa pipeline

Primary LanguagePython


Extra component to output internals of your rasa pipeline


To get the outputs you want, add an Outputter to your pipeline at the end

- name: rasa_outputter.outputter.Outputter
  properties_to_add: ["tokens", "text_sparse_features"]

Now the tokens and text_sparse_features properties will be present on the response from Interpreter.parse()

from rasa.nlu.model import Interpreter
model = Interpreter.load("nlu")

response = model.parse("hello friend!")
print([tok.text for tok in response["tokens"]])


For a WhitespaceTokenizer and CountVectorsFeaturizer this might return ['hello', 'friend', '__CLS__'] and (3, 561) with the basic data from rasa init.

Use Cases

  • Adding this to a pipeline (even just by adding it to metadata.json after it's trained) can help with debugging how your pipeline works
  • You can use your existing rasa.nlu model to featurize text for other purposes


  • If you use this to add arrays or similarly not-JSON-serializable content, the --enable-api functionality will not work. You can still use it with nlu = Interpreter.load("model_path") and nlu.parse() though