
This application is built with

  • Silex Framework
  • Twig
  • Symfony Security CSRF Component
  • Symfony Validator Component
  • Symfony Monolog Component
  • Swift Mailer Component
  • PHP 7

For Development

  • Codeception


You will need composer to install all the dependency library.

composer install


The application is configure through environment variable.

  • environment dev for running in PHP standalone server
  • receiver_email Receiver Email Address


To run test, you need codeception and selenium server

Download Codeception phar, Selenium standalone server and Chrome Driver.

Then, run Selenium standalone server and Chrome Driver

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar

Run codeception

codeception run


To run the application on development environment

environment=dev php -S localhost:8888 -t public/ src/index.php


  1. How to retrieve enquiry?

    • All enquiry is store in enquiry.csv file.
  2. Security consideration in the application?

    • Form submission will only be successful with the correct nonce which get generated the page load.
    • Validation of client's input are perform on frontend in Javascript and backend in PHP.