Request app store reviews across Xamarin and Windows applications
- 25
Google Play In-App Review Feature Request
#6 opened by skyapps-co - 1
CrossStoreReview.Current.OpenStoreReviewPage and CrossStoreReview.Current.OpenStoreListing not working on IOS 18
#55 opened by geogian98 - 3
The managed type `Xamarin.Google.Android.Play.Core.Listener.IStateUpdatedListener` exists in multiple assemblies: Xamarin.Google.Android.Play.Core, Xamarin.Google.Android.Play.Core.Common
#52 opened by amahera - 0
- 0
- 1
Review dialog quota
#53 opened by CostasAthan - 11
User not prompted for review on MAUI WinUI app
#49 opened by BurkusCat - 10
Android InAppReview Not Popping Up
#26 opened by marcelo2231 - 2
Support Huawei AppGallery for Reviews
#48 opened by JarJarBinkz - 7
RequestReview issue
#45 opened by anherukun - 0
- 8
Conflict with Xamarin.Google.Android.Play.Core
#46 opened by pulmuone - 5
Is it possible to use this plugin *without* enabling code shrinker but with linking SDK assemblies?
#42 opened by mikequ-taggysoft - 1
Maui Support
#44 opened by Stratosf - 2
Review Popup not showing on Mac Catalyst for MAUI
#41 opened by saamerm - 4
App crashes plugin OnNavigatedTo
#43 opened by mdmota - 9
App freezes after review sent
#36 opened by s153625 - 3
MAUI support
#39 opened by pwisk - 6
- 7
App review popup not showing on Android
#37 opened by dinonovak - 10
- 5
Project with a minimum UWP version of 16299 throws System.NotImplementedException
#35 opened by BurkusCat - 4
- 1
Android apprate prompt to be like iOS propmt
#31 opened by SanAlight - 22
RequestReview not working on Android
#22 opened by gogolon - 2
Getting System.NotImplementedException
#30 opened by gmwilhelm - 5
- 6
Version info missing
#23 opened by queequac - 2
Xamarin.Essentials dependency didn't work
#29 opened by SnapADrag0n - 4
Question about frequency.
#21 opened by kaviraj93 - 10
- 5
Testing RequestReview on Android
#19 opened by JulesMoorhouse - 3
- 8
- 15
- 3
- 2
macOS support
#5 opened by Suplanus - 0
Update Readme with further instructions
#10 opened by PatchesTheFirst - 1
button disabled
#3 opened by domdp16 - 1
Compatible Win 8.1 and WP 8.1?
#2 opened by hadihashem - 1