
Using Python to analyze an election data

Primary LanguagePython

Overview of Election Audit

Using Python code, creating a code that reads, sorts the results and display the results of the elction which is from data CSV file. As editing and createing python code we inspect the data and result so that we can analyize election data.

Election Audit Results

Election Results

Summary of Election result are following

  • Total Votes: 369,711
  • Largest County : Denver
  • Winner: Diana DeGette
  • Winning Percentage: 73.8%

Election Audit Summary

This Election Audit code is a great use for Election commission since this code display clear results and this code can be used in variety of different Election campain with minor changes. Since this code create the list from CSV file, so if there is any data set that have the same format with this CSV file, this code can be used to read, sort and get the result. Also, this code can be used for other variable counting anaylsis as long as the results are counted in singular increments. For example, this can be used a counting survey such as preference for basketball team player perference, football team score counting or beverage perference those counting can be done by singualr increments. So this code is not only for Election analysis but also can be used some business pratice such as a survey.