
Various Angular2 demos,samples & tutorials

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular Tutorials

A set of tutorials followed when learnign Angular 2

  • quick-start - https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/quickstart.html
  • tour-of-heroes - https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/tutorial/
  • angular2-calc - an old demo angular1 project ported to angular2 - https://github.com/jamesmorgan/angular-calc
  • angular2-todo - an Angular2 TodoMVC application containing several examples of how to build a simple app with Angular2 (See screen shot below)
  • angular2-exceptionhandler - example of how to get hold of any application exception, similar to Angular 1.x $exceptionHandler
  • angular2-loggingService - example of how to create a injectable log service, similar to Angular 1.x $log
  • angular2-todo-firebase - (derived from the above TodoMVC app but using Firebase as the data store WIP)






cd <tutorial>
npm install
npm start

This should launch a browser to http://localhost:3000