- 8
Error in function split_data
#17 opened by credo99 - 4
Issue in train_ful, test_full, dev_full files
#24 opened by sajidaraz - 5
Can not reproduce
#11 opened by terarachang - 0
Informativeness annotations
#28 opened by sileod - 0
criterion paratemter in the command line of training a new model about top 50 codes
#27 opened by deweihu96 - 0
It seems like MIMIC-ii is not available from Physionet any more. Can anyone tell me where to download the dataset?
#26 opened by airingzhang - 0
"read_csv" introduces bugs when treat ICD9_CODE be integer by default. And codes can appear more than once for a single HADM_ID
#25 opened by airingzhang - 0
Why fields like admission date, discharge data, sex, etc fields were not removed
#23 opened by NarenInD - 0
about code_emb
#22 opened by Lizhen0628 - 5
padding, softmax, embeddings
#13 opened by ka-bu - 1
Sigmoid before classification
#20 opened by MorPeled - 1
Cannot reproduce logreg
#18 opened by tzutengweng33176 - 0
Are the BoW files available for
#21 opened by acadTags - 1
ICD9 50 codes
#9 opened by rivercold - 0
Parameter Y (size of label space) is overwritten
#19 opened by aplz - 3
Error in loading the trained model
#8 opened by datduong - 0
Training times
#12 opened by Timonzimm - 4
A question about calculating precision@k
#2 opened by caolingyu - 0
Understanding the prediction psv file
#7 opened by datduong - 2
Vector representation of the ICD9 description
#6 opened by datduong - 3
Handling very large text field
#5 opened by datduong - 1
Question about the last logistic layer.
#4 opened by datduong - 1
- 3