
Vue - The Complete Guide - Udemy Course by Maximilian Schwarzmüller

Primary LanguageVue


Vue - The Complete Guide - Udemy Course by Maximilian Schwarzmüller

Module2 -- Basics & Core Concepts

  • Interpolation and basic data binding
  • Methods, computed, watch
  • Event modifiers // bindings
  • v-bind // v-on
  • Dynamic Styling
  • CSS classes dynamically & array syntax

Module3 -- Rendering Conditional Content

  • Conditional Content
  • v-if v-else
  • v-for
  • Rendering lists/conditional list & keys

Module4 -- Monster Slayer

  • Monster Slayer a review of the previous 2 modules!
  • Module5 -- Vue LifeCycle && Dom Updating

    • Vue Lifecycle
    • Multiple Apps
    • How Vue updates the DOM
    • Vue Hooks

    Module6 -- Component Intro

    • Vue Component Introduction
    • Custom HTML Tags
    • Much more excited seeing this

    Module7 -- Vue CLI

    • Vue CLI
    • New App Structure
    • Creating components 2.0
    • Single file components

    Module8 -- Component Communication

    • Intro to Props
    • Unidirectional Data flow
    • Dynamic Props // Emitting Custom Events
    • Component Communication
    • Provide && Inject

    Module9 -- Component Overview

    • Global vs Local components
    • Slots
    • Scoped styles // Slot scope
    • Scoped Slots
    • Teleporting elements

    Module10 -- Learning Resources App

  • A review and practice project covering the previous modules
  • Module11 -- Forms

    • v-model and inputs
    • v-model modifiers
    • Dropdowns, checkboxes, and radio buttons
    • Custom control components
    • V-model with custom components

    Module12 -- Sending HTTP Requests

    • Firebase backend for http requests
    • Http verbs review
    • Fetch "vs" axios
    • Same ole same ole here // good review

    Module13 -- Routing

    • Router setup && navigating with router-link
    • Dynamic Segments (passing data with route params)
    • Redirecting && Nested routes
    • Mulitple routes with names router-views
    • Scroll Behavior
    • Nav Guards
    • Route leaving Guards && Metadata

    Module14 -- Animations

    • Animation Basics
    • Transition Component
    • Javascript Transitions

    Module15 -- VueX

    • Global State Management
    • Connecting componenets to state
    • Mutations
    • Getters

    Module16, 17, and 18 -- Coach Finder App

    • Routing
    • Using base componenets
    • Forms
    • Creating and Managing Coaches
    • Transitions
    • VueX and Authentication

    Module19 -- Composition API