Ionic 4 Firebase Authentication Example

This project accompanies the Jameson Saunders YouTube video Ionic 4 Firebase Authentication Tutorial as well as the blog article Ionic 4 Firebase Authentication Tutorial.

Ionic 4 Firebase Authentication Tutorial

A minimal example of how to get the Firebase authentication working on your own site.

Here's a supplemental videoo: Ionic 4 Firebase Verify Email.

Ionic 4 Firebase Verify Email

If you haven't already, check out the Jameson Saunders YouTube Channel for web and mobile development tutorials.


Download or clone this project, then run npm i from the project directory to install its dependencies. Not familiar with NPM? Check out my NPM Tutorial.

Development server

Run ionic serve -c for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:8100/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

You can also view the app in the Ionic DevApp from your mobile device: Ionic DevApp Tutorial.

Ionic DevApp Tutorial


Some Ionic features only work in a native build.

ionic cordova build ios

ionic cordova run android

For a full tutorial on building from Mac, see this video: Ionic 4 Build App - IOS, Android, Web (Mac tutorial).

Ionic 4 Build App - IOS, Android, Web (Mac tutorial)

For a full tutorial on building from Windows, see this video: Ionic 4 Build App - Android (Windows tutorial).

Ionic 4 Build App - Android (Windows tutorial)

Further help

To get more help on the Ionic CLI use ionic help or go check out the Official Ionic Guide.