
A modern web stack for rendering git-revisioned Markdown into Beautiful HTML.

Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A modern web stack for publishing git-revisioned Markdown into Beautiful HTML.



Login is piggy-backed from (?) - Google; everyone has one


The editor works like https://medium.com/new-story, but dynamically transforms inputted markdown on the fly.

Uses showdown and RxJS to display draft of publication content.

Editor support direct automatic upload of assets to s3 asset bucket.

publish request gets routed to markdown server which accepts a post object, looking something like:

POST to https://pumpkin.tld/publish

        "title": "my title",
        "author": "your name",
        "assets": [
    "content": "base64 of markdown"

The details of this data format should be informed by WordPress's wp_posts MySQL table.

Response is full entity of metadata (with backend fields populated) and content field to confirm.

TODO evaluate:

Display Article

GET https://pumpkin.tld/article/ID

On client cache miss, calls nginx. On backend cache miss, calls frontend render box. Front end render box uses Black Friday to transform markdown documents. The rendered obtains the docs by calling the local markdown server.

markdown server is a fascade to a blob store microservice. blob store microservice implements revisionined cruds on documents, and is essentially a "git as a service" rest api.

CDN is used for commonly shared assets (svg, css, javascripts, static html)

Describe articles

API works like AWS Describe APIs. Should also reference WordPress page listing mechanisms to ensure minimum viable product.

GET https://pumpkin.tld/articles GET https://pumpkin.tld/articles/page/PAGE GET https://pumkpin.tld/articles/search/FILTER1/FILTER2

            "id": "uuid",
            "metadata": {
            "id": "uuid2",
            "metadata": {


 |                |
 |    browser     | 

|                   | 
| HTML5/RxJS/jQuery |    <===================++      
|___________________|                        ||
        /\                                   ||              
        ||                                   ||              
        \/                                   ||              
 __________________            _____       _____________
|                  |          |     |     |             |
| nginx fastcgi    |          | s3  | <=> | cloudfront  |
|    (container)   |          |     |     |             |
|__________________|          |_____|     |_____________|
     /\           \\               
     || GET        \\ POST           
 ____||_____     __\/_DELETE     ____________
|           |   | markdown |    |            |
| frontend  |<==| server   |<==>| blob store |==> s3?
| renderer  |GET|          |    | container  |==> dynamo?
|  container|   | container|    |            |
|___________|   |__________|    |____________|
   (to s3)                       

Container service is either:

  • Docker, running atop a Debian KVM on a commodiy box
  • EC2 Container Service

Rendering micro service is:

  • Written in node?
  • Written in go

Somehow, somewhere, html templates have to exist. And that has to be clean and have a lot of separation of concerns. No PHP nonsense.

View-ViewModel-Model for presentation logic?

Markdown server is:

  • most likely written in go since we're just presenting a domain api fascade to an object store. Don't to worry about the presentation crap

Blob Store

- Hopefully don't have to do much. Can be partial implementation of
git paradigm, commit, push, pull
- Probably want to store this securely even though most of it is
intentionally published. Want to have the option not to.
- Probably dynamo.

Howto handle non-origin assets

There is still some fuzziness here. Need it to be transparent to the editor and to the request APIs. Any article-specific assets should go to the blob store and be revisioned and put into s3. Article content itself could be put there as well, as a blob. Metadata should be put into a dynamo posts table. Oh also there's a users table in dynamo.

The UI needs to support direct uploads. What component handles this? Ultimately we just need to funnel this stuff to s3 and reference it.

all non-user generated assets are in a special bucket that is replicated with cloud front. free cdns are used where possible for stuff we didn't write (use jquery and rxjs public cdns.)