Trying to get karma-typescript working with coverage

In this setup I have some typescript code in the src directory, which is compiled into build/js using a separate process, rather than having karma-typescript compile it. The declarations are generated into the build\declarations directory. (This is a test setup — the real setup is more complex, but it ends up the same — having the .js and files available in one directory.)

The tests are also written in typescript, and sit in the test directory. They use the declarations which were generated from the typescript source.

Karma is configured to use karma-typescript, so that the tests are compiled on the fly, but include the built js files so that the tests will run correctly.

However, it seems that karma-typescript can't cope with the source maps for the compiled files as it hasn't compiled them itself, so when it tries to find the file in sharedProcessedFiles it can't find them.

To reproduce the problem, first run npm run tsc, then npm test