- Cloudflare Images Upload with image URL
- Cloudflare Images Upload with image base64 string
Important : The second key is private dont use it on public.
CF_ACCOUNT_ID CloudFlare Dashboard > Images >Overview >(on right side) Developer Resources > Account ID
CF_API_TOKEN CloudFlare Dashboard > (Top Right Profile Icon) My profile > (Left Side) API Tokens > Create Token > Read and write to Cloudflare Stream and Images (User Template) > Continue to summary > Create Token
npm i cloudflare-images-lib
import Uploader from "cloudflare-images-lib"
const uploader = new Uploader(
await uploader
'iVBORw...ORK5CYII=', // base64 string without data:***/***;base64 tag
'test1234', // filename (optional if you dont provide random string will be generated)
'png' // (optional default : png)
.then((res) => console.log(res.data))
.catch((err) => {
import Uploader from "cloudflare-images-lib"
const uploader = new Uploader(
await uploader
.then((res) => console.log(res.data))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))
result: {
id: '2e8fe0d7******200',
filename: 'marg*******0.jpg',
uploaded: '2023-0****62Z',
requireSignedURLs: false,
variants: [
success: true,
errors: [],
messages: []