
This app using Rails 5.2.3 and ruby 2.6.2


  1. Rename config/application.sample.yml to application.yml
  2. You need to get a citymapper_key and put in config/application.yml
  3. At the root of the project run:
        bundle install
        bundle exec rails db:setup
        bundle exec rails db:migrate
        bundle exec rails s
  4. The app should now be running on http://localhost:3000

App specifications

This app was built to satify this brief using Ruby on Rails. While the brief was open, I attempted to timebox the development in to a window of under 4 hours.

Because of this, there is plenty of "future development" that could be done, including:

  • Error messages when a save / update fails
  • Only using Rails for an API, and creating the front end in React.
  • Better design