
random short scripts for Linux / UNIX

Primary LanguagePython


random short scripts for Linux / UNIX

check_steam_update - check if a Linux steam game / server requires an update

acme-renewhook.sh - script to run in acme.sh le_renewhook to deploy certs & (optionally) restart services

zip2lha.sh - converts WHDLOAD zip files to lha

check-crt-key.sh - check a private key & certificate match

umax-restart - Restart a UMax Hosting virtual machine with python & selenium (Update 2020: RIP UMax)

dd-wrt-dnsmirror - retrieve the /tmp/hosts file from dd-wrt routers running dnsmasq and push the entries to a proper DNS server via dynamic updates

lonlat - lookup longitude & latitude from commandline given town name

recrepy.py - recursively replace text in files

imap2rss.pl - reads your IMAP mailbox, creates an RSS feed

gmail-spamassassin - runs spamassassin against your gmail INBOX

apachelint - cleans up your apache config files

buildpodcast - create a podcast RSS feed from a directory of mp3 files

checkhistory - check for any passwords in your shell history

retryfailed - repeat a failed command with backoff multiplier

asciiweather - quick weather forecast on command line

if-autocert - automatically accept IMAP TLS certificate for imapfilter

cdx - switch to your other shell's working directories

ip-freely - dynamic DNS updater - development has moved to https://github.com/jamespo/ip-freely

cfid - Count Files In Directory, a change from "ls -l | wc -l"

copysb.sh - copy python script and change shebang to current virtualenv

pagechange.py - python script to check if HTML page has changed based on XPATH using Selenium (can be used with emailifoutput.sh to email on change)

imapchkr.py - biff for IMAPS - supports multiple mailboxes - development has moved to https://github.com/jamespo/imapchkr

getquote.py - get a stock quote from Google Finance

smtpsend.py - simple SMTP sender, like mailx

clamsmtp-action.py - VirusAction script for clamsmtp

natrailmini - returns National Rail timetable between two stations