- Create TODO
- Delete TODO
- Done: true/false, faux checkboxes, and can update
- Priority: number, with icons to increase or decrease the priority
- vanilla JS, EJS
- Node.js
- MongoDB for data storage
- Heroku hosting
I was able to use the MongoDB "_id" instead of relying on finding documents by some combo of the fields. I had to do a couple special things:
I added this in addition to the other MongoClient code:
const mongo = require('mongodb')
Also needed to make it a mongo "ObjectId":
db.collection('todojs').deleteOne({ _id: new mongo.ObjectId( })
I put the _id from mongo into the HTML. I also used CSS to hide it, using display:none
< span class='id' ><%= info[i]._id %></span >
I needed to.trim() the.innerText value after getting it from the DOM.For some reason I think extra characters were messing it up.
const id = this.parentNode.childNodes[1].innerText.trim()